
About us

The Association of Retreaded Tyre Manufacturers of the Czech Republic (SVP ČR) is a professional organization founded by the statutory representatives of leading manufacturers in the Czech Republic. The association welcomes other stakeholders, including retread manufacturers, tyre producers and their sales representatives, machinery and equipment suppliers, material providers, companies specializing in waste disposal from retread production, publishers of specialized press, and companies involved in the implementation and management of quality systems.

SVP ČR is a member of the international association of retread manufacturers BIPAVER

Membership conditions are governed by the statutes of SVP ČR.

The association’s primary objective is to foster mutual cooperation and exchange of expertise to enhance the quality of retreaded tyres, focusing on road safety, efficiency of use, and promoting the renewal of used tyres as a contribution to environmental protection. To achieve these goals, SVP ČR provides a platform for sharing best practices in quality management system implementation, organizes professional training sessions, and offers collaboration with state authorities in the development and drafting of relevant legislation.


For English inquiries, please contact Ing. Petr Vanča

at (+420) 773 121 333 or petr.vanca@pneuvranik.cz

Address and bank details